Back to the Future

July 9 - July 29, 2015

Artists: Christina Battle, Adán De La Garza, Dmitri Obergfell, Christina Ochoa, SANGREE

Location: Casa Mauuad, Mexico City

Collaborating Organization: Casa Maauad

Related Residency


ArtPlant and Casa Maauad are pleased to present Back to the Future, an exhibition culminating a residency including artists Christina Battle, Adán De La Garza, Cristina Ochoa, Dmitri Obergfell, and Sangree.

Six artists from Denver, Colorado and Mexico City were invited to work together in the same studio in Mexico City for three weeks in order to create new work for a group exhibition. Themes of shifting history, dystopian conditions and fragmentation emerged as each artist created works developed from reevaluating their past practices including perceived failures and unfinished ideas.  In fictional depictions of time travel the consequences of altering the past for the sake of the present are rarely predictable with oftenunintended consequences. Similarly the exhibition at Casa Maauad is both an exhibition and an experiment showcasing an exercise in collaboration, dialog and critical re-examination.


Casa Maauad, founded in 2010 by Mexican artist Anuar Maauad, is a non-profit, production-based, residency program in Mexico City. With a focus on contemporary art, Casa Maauad is unique within Mexico City. Our goal is to foster the creation of solid relationships between international artists and the local art scene. In order to do so, we encourages residents to establish fruitful exchanges through out their stay at the house on a one on one personal basis, as well as through the production and exhibition of their work.